Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

Tripped Out

 I have often been asked to provide my opinion about the use of psychedelics for healing and gaining spiritual experience. Many in the new age and modern spiritual cycles have been promoting it as a sure way to achieve emotional and possibly spiritual healing. There have been a few documentaries that often make the case for healing PTSD and other past life traumas. Sometimes in therapy, clients will argue about the efficacy of marijuana use, how it helps them relax and feel positive. In my professional and spiritual judgement, I would advise against the use of aids to achieve emotional or spiritual healing for several reasons. 

Understanding that everything is an aid, whether food, drink, medications etc., all aids provide some type of support, but they are often limited. In other words, food quenches hunger for a few hours, no matter how much water we drink, we still need more, medications must be taken repeatedly and so on and so forth.

The unique danger that psychedelics pose is much deeper. Taking psychedelics often called a “trip”, is like a child jumping on the trampoline to get a glimpse of the other side of the fence. They jump as high as they can! It is fun to get high and see some things on the other side of the fence and after a few seconds they are back down and try again. The higher the child goes, the more likely the body is at risk of injury. Sooner or later, the body gets tired, and the fun is over. A trip is like that but more sensitive, during a trip, we run the risk of puncturing our already sensitive aura, expose ourselves to entity attacks and possible possessions. All it takes is one trip and despite our best experiences, our traumas are still there waiting for us upon our return. Some people may have exhilarating experiences! I call it the big splash! They may even think that they have achieved enlightened and go on to begin their YouTube/TikTok businesses.  But when the splash is gone, they wonder why it went away and scramble to re-create the splash and the cycle goes on and on.

Too much of anything is not good. Consistent use of marijuana and other psychedelics will eventually deplete serotonin production in the brain and set the stage for long term issues with anxiety and depression. In some other cases, many have developed paranoid personalities and schizophrenia. There is nothing wrong with the use of psychedelics or marijuana, but I prefer to follow the Buddha’s advice, which is to “not exploit the desires”. Everything in life requires balance and that is why the word “being” follows the word human.

 Mental/emotional/spiritual practice requires dutiful and consistent work. I would rather make a nice door where I can visit the other side of the fence at will, learn from the neighbors and develop the strength to walk between worlds. 

Do yourself a favor!! Stay Clean!

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Khadijat Quadri


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